Principal Artists Amy Potter and Hadriel Diniz in Swan Lake | Photo by Beau Pearson

Principal Artists Amy Potter and Hadriel Diniz will be premiering the roles of Odette/Odile and Prince Siegfried in Ballet West’s run of Swan Lake. Dancing with a partner requires a unique level of trust, something Potter says is an important part of the process.  

“The first time we partnered together, it just meshed,” said Potter of Diniz. “I’m grateful to have a partner where I can dance to my fullest and continue to challenge and push myself, knowing that I trust him fully.”

Diniz agrees, saying “You have to trust each other, because if trust isn’t there, that’s when you start holding back and things won’t go as smoothly.”

As Potter’s debut approaches, she opens up about the role of Odette/Odile. “This role is right up there with Aurora in Sleeping Beauty as far as the technical aspect and the weight of the role itself,” said Potter. “The process for me has been really tough but it’s been a really fun challenge. It took me a while to find confidence in the technicality of the choreography while telling the story but I think I’ve been put in the best position with Hadriel being my partner.”

She has built her confidence by studying videos and dissecting the steps in rehearsal until it clicks. “I also like to sit down and think through the whole ballet and visualize what it’s going to look like, what I’m feeling, and the intention behind the steps,” said Potter.

Diniz has experienced challenges in his own ways. “Personally, I’m not a big prince guy, but it’s fun to get to do something that I’m not really comfortable with,” said Diniz. “The fun thing about doing this is dancing with your partner because we get to create something.”

A big part of the creative process is the emotion that goes into each step. “I feel emotions very deeply, especially when paired with a beautiful score like this one,  so the story line of this ballet and the emotions that you get to experience can be a little overwhelming in the best way” said Potter. “You fall in love with this person but you know that the only way the two of you can be together for eternity and for the spell to be broken, is in the afterlife. It’s very selfless of her to do. I’m tearing up right now just talking about it.”

Diniz agrees, saying “Because we feel it, it’s easier to portray that to the audience. If you are really into the role, really there with the person you are dancing with, you feel that stuff together – the sadness, love, everything.”