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Ballet West II Artists 2022-2023

We’d like to make you aware of our 2023-2024 free virtual online offerings that Ballet West is presenting for Students and Teachers. You are welcome to request access to all three offerings and keep them in your pocket for use throughout the remainder of the year. 

These programs provide resources and inspiration applicable for all art forms; Dance, Music, Drama and Visual Art! We would love to have these offered to your students throughout all grades. The links will be available through the end of this academic school year (2023-2024). 

Through our Ballet West Student In-theater Presentations, we bring some of the most beloved fairy tales to life. These lively and entertaining performances will provide proof that there’s more than one way to help our children understand how and why a classic fairy tale becomes a “classic.” These are narrated productions, and we have offerings in both English and Spanish versions with closed captioning.  

The offerings we have available include our In-theatre presentations of Beauty and the Beast, as well as The Glass Slipper (The story of Cinderella). We’re also offering our Ballet West for Children Lecture Demonstration which is designed to give Students and Teachers an introduction to the art of ballet as well as address key dance core-curriculum and life skills concepts. This year’s presentation, titled Ballet and The Sleeping Beauty includes a lecture demonstration, student participation, and a condensed performance of The Sleeping Beauty ballet.   

 These offerings are offered free of charge and are reserved for teachers and their students exclusively and not the general public.  

To make this process as easy as possible, and to expedite your ability to gain the passwords you will need, please access the google form at this link to request access to the programs you’d like. 

Link Available in the Fall