Ballet was just one of many sports Amy Potter enjoyed while growing up, until she fully immersed herself into the world of ballet during a summer intensive program. Realizing the sport satisfied her competitive side and desire to be challenged, she was hooked as a sophomore in high school and spent the next 17 years of her life working toward becoming a professional ballerina.

Growing up in Virginia as the middle child between two brothers, Amy quickly became a tomboy, participating in every sport possible with her siblings – soccer, tennis, and swimming, in addition to ballet classes. She thrived in the athletic environment, continuing as many sports as possible into her teen years, which often meant doubling up during the day, going from track practice after school, directly to ballet class.

While ballet was her most consistent sport through the years, she had yet to pick a favorite as she approached high school. On a whim, she auditioned for a summer intensive program for the Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts while they were visiting her ballet studio. She was accepted and found herself immersed into the world of ballet at age 14.

Check out the full story Amy shared with us for the Spring 2023 issue of Front Row Magazine.